Random Technology Related Stuff

Hi guys I'm White Phoenix and welcome to my website! I cover various topics from programming languages, operating systems to digital content creation subjects. I hope you enjoy and learn a lot from me. I'm very fond of the mythical creature phoenix specially their albino breed.

Let's start by having you pick a topic you're interested in. Alternatively, you may choose a guide that's more geared towards a specific subject rather than a broader discussion from the former. In the future I will be providing projects to create an interactive learning experience and will be establishing an asset library as reference for said projects.

C++ Beginner's Guide to Not Dying

C++ isn't rocket science, but starting out learning, it can certainly seem like it. I for sure am not claiming to be an expert, but I've noticed a few mistakes beginners make and decided to publish them, so that they may be avoided. Skipping the long, boring introduction, let's get started.

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Place Holder

I don't know but having two panels seems prettier, feel free to remove this and change the first panel's col-md to 12 if you feel like having one panel. Alternatively, if it's too big, you can set it to 8 and apply center block to center the panel. Just gonna put some random words to even out the panel size.

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